Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get support for CORE?

A: CORE technical support can be reached via the "Contact" form at the top of the page.

Q: What is the difference between a recurring monthly or yearly subscription and the one-day license?

A: Purchasing a license grants access to the full tax data, abstract, assessor images, and plat data. It also allows you to search for documents specifically. Unlicensed access is permitted, but only provides limited tax information for up to 100 searches per day.

Q: How does licensing work on CORE?

A: CORE's licensed access is a paid service at the rate of $80 per month. Licenses are purchased from the account menu at the top after successfully logging in. Licenses are available in either monthly ($80 per month) or yearly ($960 per year) periods. These two subscriptions automatically renew upon expiration.

Another period license that does not renew is the $10 day license, which offers access the day of purchase from 12AM that day until 12AM the next day.

For licensed users, CORE only allows access on a one to one basis. Multiple users can be registered under one license, but only one user will be able to search using that license at a time. If your organization needs the ability to have multiple users access CORE at once, more than one license will need to be purchased. For example, Mary has purchased 1 license and decides to let Joe and Amber share this license. Mary is currently logged in and searching. Until Mary leaves a search page and times out or logs herself out, Joe and Amber cannot use this license to search in CORE. Joe and Amber can still use the Public Search but will be unable to search to using the licensed version. If multiple users need access to searching at once, another license will need to be purchased. For more explanation, see the Licensing Update FAQ

Q: How does CORE know how many licensed users are logged into my company account?

A: CORE does not time out it's users. Instead, when you log in, a small packet is sent to check to see if the browser is still connected to CORE. This is how we keep your connection alive and maintain the acquisition and release of licensing. As a user logs in, they obtain a license from their available pool(s) and hold onto it until they either log out or the periodical connectivity is lost.

Q: How does CORE store and protect my personal information (and what is stored)?

A: CORE stores your name, e-mail address, phone number, and a hashed copy of your selected password. We do not store any payment information, as that is handled by a PCI-compliant third party solution called FoxyIO. Your selected password is hashed, which is a one-way encryption via an algorithm. When you log in with your password it is passed through the same algorithm and if what is entered matches the hash, you are allowed entry. We do not store your password and have no way to reverse this hash. We also maintain general security through an industry-standard firewall solution and maintaining the latest updates for our servers.

Q: How do I cancel or modify my subscription?

A: When you first purchase a subscription you will receive an e-mail from FoxyIO regarding your purchase. In this e-mail are links that you can use to manage your subscription.

Q: What is FoxyIO? Why do they want my password?

A: CORE integrates with a trusted, PCI-compliant third party shopping cart and payment solution called FoxyIO. When any payment transaction is performed on CORE, the payment portion is handled by FoxyIO. The only information that FoxyIO receives from CORE is which product is being purchased. FoxyIO has it's own, separate login system which utilizes your e-mail for receipts and billing management information. The e-mail you use on CORE must match the e-mail used with FoxyIO for licensing to be realized in CORE. Your user information on FoxyIO can be managed at this page:

Q: Who is the owner and authoritative source for CORE data?

A: Each elected official oversees a data component utilized in CORE and are the authoritative sources for those components: Land and tax values are owned by the County Assessor. Land parcels, plat maps, and recorded documents are owned by the County Recorder. Land tax rates and current and past payments are owned by the County Treasurer.

Q: Where do I report perceived inaccurate data served from CORE?

A: Please report inaccuracies to CORE support so that they may be investigated. Click on the "Contact" link at the top of the page.

Q: What information is required to submit a bug report?

A: To facilitate assisting you with support of CORE, we need as much detail as you can provide. This can include a description of the issue, steps taken to repeat, what information you used to search, an address (URL) from the browser bar at the top, screen prints, and a date and time.

Q: What is a protected individual/record, and does CORE show it?

A: In a broad sense, any entity which may be negatively impacted by the exposure of their land records, to the public, may request that these records be protected. This protection is typically limited to elected officials and law enforcement, and is controlled by the Recorder's office.

Q: Why is there a PRINT button on some pages, but not all?

A: The print buttons on CORE apply a special set of instructions to the browser to provide a cleaner print. Not all pages need this.

Q: How does the search function on CORE work?

A: The main tip for searching is to know that any search field with an asterisk (*) in it's label allows for partial matching on text you enter. For example, you could enter Peter in the last name field and get Peterson and Petersen, as well as just Peters. This is useful, but it can mean you can easily get more results than desired. Use partial entry in two fields to speed up your process and also limit the amount of results you get. If you add a space in the entry, it will be interpreted literally (as in search for S 100 will only match records with S 100) and not S100, S and 100. You can see ranges of parcel numbers by truncating the number at specific points. For example, if you entered "01-001-00" it could potentially show parcel numbers ending in 01 to 99. A lot of effort has gone into the address and street searching fields, but the data isn't always consistent. In some cases S may be spelled out as South, for example. You might have to do a little experimentation if you are searching by address. If all else fails for a specific street, try pulling up a single house to reveal which format the street uses. When searching by legal it is best to either use terms unique to the area you are searching for or to use it as a way to filter out results in a unique way. There are likely a lot of powerful combinations as a result of searching for specific things in legal.

Q: How fresh is the data in CORE?

A: CORE's database and image data is refreshed every night.

Q: What should I do if an employee leaves my organization?

A: License pool administrators should remove users that are no longer employed with their company from their license pool. Even if the employee isn't on the premises, their license will still attach to their account at home. This is another reason to not share one login among multiple users.

Q: Which document data is available online?

A: Data about recorded documents is mostly complete from now back to 1969. Recorded document images from 1955 and beyond will soon be available.

Q: Can you point me to an explanation of the yearly tax processes Cache County performs?

A: Yes, we have created a timeline that details the most critical events.